


Transcutaneous Jaundice Detector

Non-invasive screening with enhanced "dual optical path" technology, compliant with latest "optical safety standards".

"Dual Optical Path Intelligence" - Enhancing Measurement Precision

Utilizing dual optical path and dual wavelength measurement principle to reduce the influence of melanin and dermis thickness, obtaining bilirubin measurements from subcutaneous tissue for rapid and precise results, improving population adaptability.

Ergonomic size for comfortable grip

1) 3.0-inch color LCD touch screen;
2) Configurable averaging of 1-5 measurements;
3) Xenon flash lamp (≥ 150,000 measurements);
4) A newly designed battery compartment allows for easier battery replacement.

  • Quick toggle to simplified mode

    No need for patient information input, making it ideal for outpatient use.

  • Adaptive Examination Screen

    Spring-supported examination screen base adjusts angle with probe movement, reducing operational complexity and improving accuracy.

  • Barcode Reader (BM-200C)

    Supports QR code and barcode scanning for quick and accurate verification and entry of nurse and patient IDs, offering a more userfriendly and intelligent operation method.

“WiFi Transmission” - Data Management (BM-200C)

Multiple measurement data displayed on single screen, with synchronized storage of multiple patient information, enabling multi-patient data management. Extended wireless data transmission technology with integrated WiFi module, allowing the main unit to connect to hospital wireless network for data transmission anytime.

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